跪求英语论文一小段 关于【中西文化宗教差异】【中西文化婚姻差异】



你好。第一篇是介绍餐饮文化差距的 第二篇是讲教育差异的 希望能帮到你

1.Mr. Yi Zhongtian was in the "culture of food on the table" in the

interpretation of Chinese and Western cultures were subtle ideological

core of Chinese culture is the "group consciousness" ideological core

of Western culture is the "individual consciousness." So even if the

dinners Westerners, but also points the dish, the drink of the wine,

so as not to impose our own will. Chinese culture is that the

individual will, to obey the common will of the group. Since the

intended purpose favors with the intention of blood, its way of

manners, naturally, is precious, so the Chinese people love dinner, hi

total of food, about harmony. I believe that in a cross-cultural

communication in the face of a strange culture, Yin Siwei, life habits

and behaviors in different ways, and cultural exchanges during the

conflict will inevitably occur. The author from the following four

aspects of Chinese and Western table manners were simple compared to

the cross-cultural communication can be a proper, decent way to


First, cultural differences from the cutlery to use point of view

Chopsticks and knife and fork is the most basic differences between

Chinese and Western table manners. Zhejiang University, Professor Yu

Xiu Ling: East and West appear chopsticks and knife and fork eating

the different tools and environment relationship. Bamboo chopsticks to

have originated in the place. Northern China wood, bamboo from

southern China, ancestors from local materials, bamboo and wood have

become the most primitive materials chopsticks chopsticks. The

emergence of a knife and fork than chopsticks much later. According to

research by Professor Yu Xiu Ling, the original knife and fork and

European origin living in ancient nomadic habits, they immediately

carry knives of life, often cooked the meat, cut off to eat. About 15

centuries before and after the meal in order to improve posture,

Europeans used the double-pointed cross. To the 18th century only the

tip of a fork with four forks. Knife and fork and chopsticks, not only

brought different eating habits, also affected the Eastern and Western

concepts in life. Professor Yu Xiu Ling, eating into the system will

inevitably bring a knife and fork, and chopsticks sitting around the

table with family members must dine match. Beginning point of Western

food, which derived from the West pay attention to independent,

children grow up into the world after the independence of ideas and

habits. The chopsticks brought together meals daily, highlighting the

young and old sat together in the family unit, so that Asians have a

relatively strong family values. When I reminded in the use of Chinese

and Western dishes have different specifications. If not play with

chopsticks when eating Chinese food (to them when the drumstick is a

very rude way), but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person or

make gestures. Of course, absolutely can not suck or the chopsticks

chopsticks inserted in the rice, which is taboo (which seems to

funeral incense is considered unlucky.) When using the knife and fork

there are some taboos. Such as holding a knife and fork when not

meddling. To speak or talk, knife and fork on the plate should only

decency. Avoid using their own utensils for others bowl. Do not bend

over picking up utensils fall. Do not cut off a good meal products,

especially products with a soup meal, to eat a piece-by-all and more.

Second, cultural differences from the point of seating arrangements

Western formal banquets are particular about the seating arrangements.

Traditional Chinese dinner with square table. Door is on both sides of

the partial blocks. Treat, the elderly, people with high status of the

guest of honor sit or seat, men and women who sat down the owner or

Peiqia Block, and the remaining customers in order to sit side seat.

Westerners treat with a long table, men and women sit in the owner at

both ends, then the guest of honor men and women and the general order

of the guests seating arrangements, that men and women interspersed

arrangement, subject to seat the hostess, the guest of honor sitting

in the top right of the hostess, Main Binfu the top right of man of

the house to sit, pay attention to "ladies first" Western gentleman,

will show the attentions of the ladies. In China, respect for the left

and right for the times; on respect, under second; in respect, partial

for the times. In the West, respect for the right, left for the times.

I particularly Western seat etiquette tips: The most graceful way is

seated from the left seat. Do not put your elbows on the desktop, not

Rocker foot. Can not withdraw in the middle of the meal (if things do

need to leave should be whispered about greeting guests.) Dinner, sit

up straight, back straight, neck elongation. Depend on the upper arm

and back to back, abdomen, and a table for about a fist distance.

Remember to head high with food, in the face of the food into the

mouth, it is necessary to the food to the mouth to mouth opinions on

the food rather than bent.

Third, cultural differences from the point of dining atmosphere

Trouble on the table of Chinese and Western food on the table is

static and the most fundamental difference between Chinese and Western

table manners. Table climate differences, the Chinese table action,

the Western table static. Chinese food for life to matter to music,

show and great, the atmosphere of excitement is often breathtaking.

Chinese people get a table, then in full flight, with each other for

food, drinks upon, enjoy, delicacies, delicious cuisine. Banquet this

way in order to reflect the enthusiasm and sincerity the owner, the

table reflects the excitement of patrons from the heart's delight.

This "trouble" to some extent reflects the Chinese family from the

warm, neighborhood harmony, unity and people's "Harmony." Westerners

have a table to sit quietly dedicated to cutting their own dinner.

Soup can not make noise, such as hot soup can be cooled before eating,

do not blow through your mouth. Shut up when eating chewing. Do not

lick their lips or smack sound. Guests can dine and talk about, but

not only with a few acquaintances talk. If guests do not know about,

they may first introduce myself. Others can not take the mouth

interrupted his speech. Keep the volume level of the other party can

hear. Chewing of food do not speak, even if someone speak to you, have

to wait to answer after swallowing

V. Conclusion

The world's cultures are equal. Culture, good or bad. Should avoid

using their own culture, ethics and values as a standard to measure,

judge and should adopt an objective and tolerant attitude towards

foreign culture; the same time, but also to avoid blindly follow,

imitate foreign culture, but should stick to their excellent cultural


2.Western students enjoy a seemingly relaxed educational experience. This, however, is not the case for students in Asia, who face crushing workloads and are often very disciplined. In the first part of her Globalist.

China has a long history of standardized tests, beginning with the ancient imperial exams initiated during the Sui Dynasty.Shelly Chen is at the top of the class at the Shanghai foreign language school, one of the city’s best middle schools. Already near fluent in English, she is studying German and ranks among the highest in her grade in physics. Her goal is to get a full scholarship to Harvard to study biochemistry. It is not only Western expatriates that grow anxious when hearing about students like Shelly.

Throughout England, politicians, parents and pundits worry that the industriousness and discipline of kids in the East are leaving relatively relaxed Westerners trailing behind. Though there is some debate surrounding the statistics, it is widely believed that North America is failing to produce sufficient graduates in sciences and engineering.

Chinese students are taught that all questions have but one right answer and there is little room for debate.North American education needs to move away from an emphasis on fun, flexibility and individual learning styles.Instead, it has to shift towards a more strict, disciplined teaching environment that math and science, in particular, seem to demand.This shift can be discerned even in Canada, where there are no college entrance exams, and where, standardized testing, memorization and rote learning have long been frowned upon.






